A Collective Sigh

I stand in the doorway and listen.

It’s a sound that is both familiar and foreign.

We’ve been anticipating it’s arrival, 

but not with great expectation.

In our world these events come with little guarantee.


The family of four around the corner,

celebrate with great delight!

Inviting the rest of us to join in their dance.


But I’m listening for something else.

I’m listening for the collective sigh

that starts at the top of the tallest tree 

and trickles down to the parched earth.


A sigh that says we can live a while longer.

A sigh that says there’s a future,

and new life waiting to burst forth.

Even the rocks and shingles relax in the knowing.


Tonight the gentle rain brings relief.

It cleans the air and saturates the earth.


I listen to the sound so familiar and foreign. 

It calls me to listen and dance –

with the three year old around the corner.


It gives me hope that  in the months to ahead

It will be more familiar than foreign.

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