
birth canal

I heard about Re-Birthing while listening to a Nerdist podcast. Jeff Bridges was being interviewed and somewhere in the middle of a story, he took a right turn and ended up in Re-birthing.

The simplistic definition is this: we continually re-live our birth experience all through our life; especially when we are faced with conflict, challenges, and decisions.

I began thinking of my own children’s birth experience. Our oldest was a quiet birth. The nurse checked on us throughout the day, but for the most part, the room was quiet. The Doctor on call was attending his son’s wedding (who does that!); he was not checking in. Labor was most of the day and when it was time, there was no Doctor… so Raun waited … and waited…and waited, until finally the over the limit and not sure how he found the hospital doctor arrived; two minutes later so did he.

This is how Raun approaches life. He is quiet, he waits, he watches, and he waits some more. In fact, he can out wait anyone. His waiting makes you want to take him by the ears and shake him till his brain rattles. If one did this, it’s definite that he would just smile, nod his head in acknowledgment of your frustration, and wait some more. BUT THEN, in an instant, he makes a decision and it’s for life! No more waiting, no more watching, it done, never to be revisited.

Our daughter had a very different experience. Her’s was a difficult birth causing the room to be filled with people and activity. There were two teams of people observing. One team was prepared to step in if things turned bad, and the other if it got really bad. The second group stayed. She had the cord around her neck five times and by the time they freed her, she was as blue as a Smurf.

Austyn lives in a whirlwind of activity. When conflicts arise, she is a fighter. She will do whatever it takes to make it right – she is determined to survive!!

Recently, I asked my mother about her birth experience. Her mother had said she just popped out. I laughed. Mom always thinks things should be easy and no one should have to work hard. In fact, she’ll do everything in her power to stop you from completing a task if she feels it’s too much effort.  As she sat and described my sister’s experience, Sue got very wide eyed and exclaimed, “Wait – that’s exactly how I am!”

My own  birth was also a difficult one, and back then, they just took me away. Mom said she didn’t see me for more than 24 hours. How do I approach life’s struggles? Like my daughter, I too am a fighter, but I do it alone. I would never think of asking for help. I will survive, but you don’t need to help me, I got it. I can figure it out on my own and I am confident that I will make it through.

I’ve not asked my mother-in-law about my husbands birth experience. I don’t want to destroy the  Disney version that plays in my head. I’m sure an evil witch snatched him from the birth canal and strapped him to the back of a broom. She then sped him across the sky, pointing out the great wonders of the world below. She didn’t allow him to stop and enjoy because they were on a very tight schedule. She didn’t allow music on her broom, nor did she allow him to make any noise as they flew. On their short journey she somehow instilled the fear of god (well the other one – the one from below) in him about the dangers of waiting in a queue at a drive-thru. Yep, that explains a lot!!

Re-birthing. It’s an interesting concept. Even more, it makes for great conversation. I’ve yet to find someone whose birth experience doesn’t describe them.

There’s an old saying that mothers never get off the deliver table. Perhaps none of us ever get out of the deliver room.

Nerdist Podcast with Jeff Bridges

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