20 – Her rewards…

Audio Lesson:  https://youtu.be/_fjIOQAZg4s

Her children rise and call her fortunate; her husband praises her.

This is where the saying, they will rise up and call her blessed comes from. Heard many children speaking to their parents recently? There’s not a lot of rising up and blessings going on. It’s rare. Just as rare as our women of valor. Perhaps there is a connection.

Ever observed someone boasting about their partner? It too is rare, but when it happens, it catches other’s attention. There are few greater feelings than to meet your partner’s co- worker for the first time and be informed that you are spoken highly of. It makes you feel like a priceless pearl.


Many women have acquired wealth, but you surpass them all.

The rewards of being a woman of valor are tangible and intangible. Wise business woman make profits, they acquire wealth. It takes money to buy silk and wool and wear purple gowns. However, it’s the intangible ones that really matter. They are priceless. They are worth any effort required in becoming a woman of valor.

Charm is false and beauty is futile; a God-fearing woman is to be praised.

Interesting that this is the only reference to God in the entire proverb. It’s also interesting that the only reference to God is simple and uncomplicated. God-fearing. Not God-consumed, or God-controlled, or God-busy. Nope – just God-fearing.


Give her the fruits of her hands, and her deeds will praise her in the gates.

In the end, all the blessings and praise and wealth are extra. This woman is content with the fruits of her labor. The others are nice to have and nice to hear, but they don’t define her. She is satisfied knowing that she has given her best, enjoyed some success, and learned from her failures.

Her deeds stand on their own and they bring her praise. This praise comes from a specific place, it comes from those sitting in the gates. Who is sitting at the gates? The city elders. Not a bad group to be singing your praises.


Moxy – Where are you? We need you?

You are what makes our world better!!!

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