I’m a huge Dr. Who fan – HUGE. Thanks to my kids, I now wake up at 4:00AM on Sunday morning, pay my $1.99 to Amazon for the privilege of watching the latest BBC episode.
The show is brilliant on many levels. Dr. Who always warns us about changing someone’s future. However, he typically he does it anyways.
Tomorrow morning, I will get in a rental car at 4:00 AM and head to LAX to catch a morning flight to Denver. My daughter is having a very difficult recovery from a procedure that was done last week. It’s no coincidence that it was four years ago tonight that Jeff and I were on a plane taking the same route. Four years ago tomorrow, Miss Emery Rain Ford will be four years old.
Some may say that history is repeating itself. Other’s would feel bad that all those bad memories will get on the plane with me and be my evil journey buddy. And still others would say that perhaps there is something I still need to learn, so I am being force to make the same trip.
I’ve learned a lot from Dr. Who. I’ve learned that we CAN change our future and I intend to do so. I will fly into Denver with my Neenee Cape and Sonic Screwdriver determined that this trip will in no way mirror the one taken four years ago. How could it? Miss Emery has surpassed everyone’s expectations and is one of the funniest and smartest kids I’ve met. As for Mom and Dad, they may be weary – but I’ve got a Sonic Screwdriver.
I believe we get to experience life from both sides. If we steal, we will be a victim. If we cheat, we will be cheated. I also believe that we may live through experiences several times. And when that happens we have the choice to bring the past with us or create a whole new future.
Time Traveler or not, we have the power to change the future.
Emery Rain Ford