Passover – 6 Dayenu

My very favorite part of the Seder is reciting Dayenu. Dayenu means; it is enough for us.


How many favors has God bestowed upon us?


Had He brought us out from Egypt and not executed judgment against them,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He executed judgment against them and not destroyed their idols,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He destroyed their idols and not slain their first-born,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He given us their possessions, and not divided the sea for us,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He divided the sea for us and not brought us through it dry land,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He brought us through it dry land and not drowned our oppressors in it,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He drowned our oppressors in it and not sustained us in the wilderness forty years,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He sustained us in the wilderness forty years and not fed us manna,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He fed us manna and not given us the Sabbath,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He given us the Sabbath and not brought us to Mount Sinai,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He brought us to Mount Sinai and not given us the Torah,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He given us the Torah, and not brought us into the Land of Israel,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

Had He brought us into the Land of Israel and not built the Temple for us,

It would have been enough! DAYENU!

How much more so, multiplied many times, are the favors that God has bestowed upon us!


He brought us out from Egypt,

And executed judgment against the,

And destroyed their idols,

And slew their first-born,

And gave us their possessions,

And divided the sea for us,

And brought us through it dry land,

And drowned our oppressors in it,

And sustained us in the wilderness forty years,

And fed us manna, and gave us the Sabbath,

And brought us to Mount Sinai,

And gave us the Torah,

And brought us into the Land of Israel,

And built the Temple for us,

Where we could atone for all our sins.

As I recite this, I am changing the historical events with specific event in my own life. By the end of the prayer, I am so full of gratitude that I well up. You see, if God never does another thing for me – Dayenu – it is enough for me.

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